Thursday, July 30, 2009


Welcome to Dronacharya's - THE GYM®

The Services Offered
Basic Fitness, Diet & Normal Workout
Modeling Body Building
Weight Training - Basics
Competitive & Professional Body Building
Weight reducing
Weight gaining
Yoga & Spa
Fitness above 40 age group

Body Building
Resistance Training:
We specialise in programs such as
Personal Training Programme (PTP),
Body shaping (drawing from the advantages of cardiovascular exercises).
A personal guide is assigned to members who enroll for this programme. The guide motivates and encourages. The one-to-one attention creates a great rapport between the member and the guide, with the guide being able to understand each member's limits and potential.

Body Shaping

This programme deals with body transformation packages used for toning body muscles. Drawing heavily from techniques commonly used by body builders around the world, a carefully planned mix of resistance training and cardio exercise is what makes this program highly effective.
Resistance Training

A training program of 5-6 times a week, and twice a day during the advanced stages.
10-12 exercises per session, one body part at a time.
3-5 sets per exercise, 6-12 repetitions (reps) per set.
A minute or two of rest between sets.
Intensity level - which allows for 8-12 reps per set, occasionally enhancing it to weights which will allow only 6 - 8 reps.
Body building techniques used - circuit training, forced reps, partial reps, negative training, rest pause method, and stripping.
Twice or thrice a week.
Intensity: 50-70 per cent of the maximum heart rate (MHR).
Duration: 30-40 minutes.
Primary exercises: Treadmill, cycle.
Training progression - during middle and latter stages of the program
Increased resistance of the cycle, and inclination on the treadmill.
Increased speed on the cycle / treadmill.
Increased time to 40-45 minutes.

Nepal Singh's personal trainer's expertise is what proves invaluable during the program, by determining the most effective mix of resistance and cardiovascular training, and a training program packed with those exercises which would give the best results.

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